Combining a list of IOs

Remember that an IO is the description of some computation, like a source code. As such, it can be manipulated like any value, and so stored in lists. This section covers the operations you have on lists of IOs.

zip : from a list of IO to an IO of list

The zip function and method transform a list of IO into an IO returning a list. Each value of the resulting list is the value returned by the IO at the same location in the input list.

The whole computation fails on the first failure encountered.

>>> from typing import List
>>> main : IO[None,None,List] =, io.pure("Hello"))
Ok(success=[8, 'Hello'])
>>> main : IO[None,str,List] =, io.error("Oups"))

sequence : running IOs in sequence

The function io.sequence is like the method then: it executes a list of IO sequentially, returning the value of the last IO and failing on the first failure encountered:

>>> main : IO[None,None,int] = io.sequence(
...   io.defer(print, "Hello"),
...   io.defer(print, "World"),
...   io.pure(12)  
... )

traverse : almost like map

The function io.traverse is very much like the function map on lists. Like the map on lists it applies a function to every element of a list. But unlike the map on lists the function it applies to every element returns an IO.

io.traverse is useful when you need to execute a function returning an IO to every element of a list. It returns an IO computing the list of values returned by each call.

Like zip and sequence, it fails on the first failure encountered.

>>> from typing import List
>>> def add_context(i: int) -> IO[int,None,int]:
...   return c:
...     io.defer(print, f"context = {c}, argument = {i}")
...     .then(io.pure(c + i))
...   )
>>> main : IO[int,None,List[int]] = io.traverse(range(10), add_context)
context = 10, argument = 0
context = 10, argument = 1
context = 10, argument = 2
context = 10, argument = 3
context = 10, argument = 4
context = 10, argument = 5
context = 10, argument = 6
context = 10, argument = 7
context = 10, argument = 8
context = 10, argument = 9
Ok(success=[10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19])