Playing with Probability in Scala 3
Given a fair dice, how many rolls are needed, on average, to observe all the sides? From this simple question, this article explores basic probability theory and statistics in Scala 3, the upcoming major release of the Scala programming language. It shows the new features, their use and benefits.
Les GADTs Par l'Exemple
Découvrez les ADT généralisés en vous amusant.
GADTs By Use Cases
Discover Generalized ADT through lots of practical examples.
Proving Primality with GADTs
Let's do a bit of logic in Scala's type system.
Recursion Schemes: the high-school introduction
Presentation of recursion schemes from simple examples without the complex vocabulary in the way.
Demystifying GADTs
Introduction to catamorphisms on Algebraic Data Types
Let's meet the charming fold family
Introduction to catamorphisms on Algebraic Data Types
How to make game in the browser thanks to ScalaJS
ScalaIO.2018 Workshop
JSON to XML: the probably a tiny bit over engineered way
Conversion from/to JSON and XML using advanced concepts
F-Algebra talk at ScalaIO 2017: Modéliser astucieusement vos données
ScalaIO.2017 Talk