Module raffiot.untyped.val
Local Variables to work around Python annoying limitations about lambdas.
Python forbids local variables and
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Local Variables to work around Python annoying limitations about lambdas.
Python forbids local variables and
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from raffiot.untyped import io, resource
from import IO
from raffiot.untyped.resource import Resource
__all__ = [
class Val:
Immutable Value.
Used to create local "variables" in lambdas.
__slots__ = "value"
value: None
def get(self):
Get this Val value.
return self.value
def get_io(self):
Get this Val value.
return io.defer(self.get)
def get_rs(self):
Get this Val value.
return resource.defer(self.get)
def pure(cls, a):
Create a new Val with value `a`
:param a: the value of this val.
return Val(a)
def map(self, f):
Create a new Val from this one by applying this **pure** function.
:param f:
return Val(f(self.value))
def traverse(self, f):
Create a new Val from this one by applying this `IO` function.
:param f:
return io.defer_io(f, self.value).map(Val)
def flat_map(self, f):
Create a new Val from this one.
:param f:
return f(self.value)
def flatten(self): # A = Val
""" "
Flatten this `Val]` into a `Val`
return Val(self.value.value)
def zip(cls, *vals):
""" "
Group these list of Val into a Val of List
if len(vals) == 1 and isinstance(vals[0], abc.Iterable):
return Val([x.value for x in vals[0]])
return Val([x.value for x in vals]) # type: ignore
def zip_with(self, *vals):
Group this Val with other Val into a list of Val.
:param vals: other Val to combine with self.
return, *vals)
def ap(self, *arg):
Apply the function contained in this Val to `args` Vals.
:param arg:
if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], abc.Iterable):
l = [x.value for x in arg[0]]
l = [x.value for x in arg]
return Val(self.value(*l)) # type: ignore
class Val (value: None)
Immutable Value.
Used to create local "variables" in lambdas.
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@dataclass class Val: """ Immutable Value. Used to create local "variables" in lambdas. """ __slots__ = "value" value: None def get(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return self.value def get_io(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return io.defer(self.get) def get_rs(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return resource.defer(self.get) @classmethod def pure(cls, a): """ Create a new Val with value `a` :param a: the value of this val. :return: """ return Val(a) def map(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one by applying this **pure** function. :param f: :return: """ return Val(f(self.value)) def traverse(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one by applying this `IO` function. :param f: :return: """ return io.defer_io(f, self.value).map(Val) def flat_map(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one. :param f: :return: """ return f(self.value) def flatten(self): # A = Val """ " Flatten this `Val]` into a `Val` """ return Val(self.value.value) @classmethod def zip(cls, *vals): """ " Group these list of Val into a Val of List """ if len(vals) == 1 and isinstance(vals[0], abc.Iterable): return Val([x.value for x in vals[0]]) return Val([x.value for x in vals]) # type: ignore def zip_with(self, *vals): """ Group this Val with other Val into a list of Val. :param vals: other Val to combine with self. :return: """ return, *vals) def ap(self, *arg): """ Apply the function contained in this Val to `args` Vals. :param arg: :return: """ if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], abc.Iterable): l = [x.value for x in arg[0]] else: l = [x.value for x in arg] return Val(self.value(*l)) # type: ignore
Static methods
def pure(a)
Create a new Val with value
:param a: the value of this val. :return:
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@classmethod def pure(cls, a): """ Create a new Val with value `a` :param a: the value of this val. :return: """ return Val(a)
def zip(*vals)
" Group these list of Val into a Val of List
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@classmethod def zip(cls, *vals): """ " Group these list of Val into a Val of List """ if len(vals) == 1 and isinstance(vals[0], abc.Iterable): return Val([x.value for x in vals[0]]) return Val([x.value for x in vals]) # type: ignore
Instance variables
var value : NoneType
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
def ap(self, *arg)
Apply the function contained in this Val to
Vals.:param arg: :return:
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def ap(self, *arg): """ Apply the function contained in this Val to `args` Vals. :param arg: :return: """ if len(arg) == 1 and isinstance(arg[0], abc.Iterable): l = [x.value for x in arg[0]] else: l = [x.value for x in arg] return Val(self.value(*l)) # type: ignore
def flat_map(self, f)
Create a new Val from this one.
:param f: :return:
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def flat_map(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one. :param f: :return: """ return f(self.value)
def flatten(self)
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def flatten(self): # A = Val """ " Flatten this `Val]` into a `Val` """ return Val(self.value.value)
def get(self)
Get this Val value. :return:
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def get(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return self.value
def get_io(self)
Get this Val value. :return:
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def get_io(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return io.defer(self.get)
def get_rs(self)
Get this Val value. :return:
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def get_rs(self): """ Get this Val value. :return: """ return resource.defer(self.get)
def map(self, f)
Create a new Val from this one by applying this pure function.
:param f: :return:
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def map(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one by applying this **pure** function. :param f: :return: """ return Val(f(self.value))
def traverse(self, f)
Create a new Val from this one by applying this
function.:param f: :return:
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def traverse(self, f): """ Create a new Val from this one by applying this `IO` function. :param f: :return: """ return io.defer_io(f, self.value).map(Val)
def zip_with(self, *vals)
Group this Val with other Val into a list of Val.
:param vals: other Val to combine with self. :return:
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def zip_with(self, *vals): """ Group this Val with other Val into a list of Val. :param vals: other Val to combine with self. :return: """ return, *vals)