Module raffiot.result
Data structure to represent the result of computation.
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Data structure to represent the result of computation.
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import abc
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import TypeVar, Generic, Callable, Any, List, Iterable, Union
from typing_extensions import final
from raffiot.utils import (
__all__ = [
E = TypeVar("E")
A = TypeVar("A")
E2 = TypeVar("E2")
A2 = TypeVar("A2")
X = TypeVar("X")
def safe(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) -> Callable[..., Result[E, A]]:
Simple decorator to ensure all exceptions are caught and transformed into
A function that returns a Result[E,A] should never raise an exceptions but
instead return a panic. This decorator make sure of it.
:param f:
def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as exception:
return Panic(
exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[]
return wrapper
class Result(Generic[E, A]):
The Result[E,A] data structure represents the result of a computation. It has
3 possible cases:
- *Ok(some_value: A)*
The computation succeeded.
The value some_value, of type A, is the result of the computation
- *Errors(some_errors: List[E])*
The computation failed with an expected errors.
The errors some_errors, of type List[E], is the expected errors encountered.
- *Panic(some_exceptions: List[TracedException], errors: List[E])*
The computation failed on an unexpected errors.
The exceptions some_exceptions is the unexpected errors encountered.
The distinction between errors (expected failures) and panics (unexpected
failures) is essential.
Errors are failures your program is prepared to deal with safely. An errors
simply means some operation was not successful, but your program is still
behaving nicely. Nothing terribly wrong happened. Generally errors belong to
your business domain. You can take any type as E.
Panics, on the contrary, are failures you never expected. Your computation
can not progress further. All you can do when panics occur, is stopping your
computation gracefully (like releasing resources before dying). The panic type
is always TracedException.
As an example, if your program is an HTTP server. Errors are bad requests
(errors code 400) while panics are internal server errors (errors code 500).
Receiving bad request is part of the normal life of any HTTP server, it must
know how to reply nicely. But internal server errors are bugs.
def unsafe_fold(
on_success: Callable[[A], X],
on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X],
on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X],
) -> X:
Transform this Result[E,A] into X.
:param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`.
:param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`.
:param on_panic: is called if this result is a `Panic`.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return on_success(self.success)
if isinstance(self, Errors):
return on_error(self.errors)
if isinstance(self, Panic):
return on_panic(self.exceptions, self.errors)
raise on_panic([MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result")], [])
def fold(
on_success: Callable[[A], X],
on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X],
on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X],
) -> X:
Transform this Result[E,A] into X.
:param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`.
:param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`.
:param on_panic: is called if this result is a `Panic`.
return self.unsafe_fold(on_success, on_error, on_panic)
def unsafe_fold_raise(
self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X]
) -> X:
Transform this `Result[E,A]` into `X` if this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`.
But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic.
It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics.
:param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`.
:param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return on_success(self.success)
if isinstance(self, Errors):
return on_error(self.errors)
if isinstance(self, Panic):
raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors)
raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result")
def fold_raise(
self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X]
) -> X:
Transform this `Result[E,A]` into `X` if this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`.
But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic.
It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics.
:param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`.
:param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`.
return self.unsafe_fold_raise(on_success, on_error)
def unsafe_flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) -> Result[E, A2]:
The usual monadic operation called
- bind, >>=: in Haskell
- flatMap: in Scala
- andThem: in Elm
Chain operations returning results.
:param f: operation to perform it this result is an `Ok`.
:return: the result combined result.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return f(self.success)
return self # type: ignore
def flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) -> Result[E, A2]:
The usual monadic operation called
- bind, >>=: in Haskell
- flatMap: in Scala
- andThem: in Elm
Chain operations returning results.
:param f: operation to perform it this result is an `Ok`.
:return: the result combined result.
return self.unsafe_flat_map(f)
def unsafe_tri_map(
f: Callable[[A], A2],
g: Callable[[E], E2],
h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException],
) -> Result[E2, A2]:
Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result.
:param f: how to transform the value a if this result is `Ok(a)`
:param g: how to transform the errors e if this result is `Errors(e)`
:param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result is `Panic(p)`
:return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed.
return self.unsafe_fold(
lambda x: Ok(f(x)),
lambda x: Errors([g(y) for y in x]),
lambda x, y: Panic(exceptions=[h(z) for z in x], errors=[g(z) for z in y]),
def tri_map(
f: Callable[[A], A2],
g: Callable[[E], E2],
h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException],
) -> Result[E2, A2]:
Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result.
:param f: how to transform the value a if this result is `Ok(a)`
:param g: how to transform the errors e if this result is `Errors(e)`
:param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result is `Panic(p)`
:return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed.
return self.unsafe_tri_map(f, g, h)
def is_ok(self) -> bool:
:return: True if this result is an `Ok`
return isinstance(self, Ok)
def is_error(self) -> bool:
:return: True if this result is an `Errors`
return isinstance(self, Errors)
def is_panic(self) -> bool:
:return: True if this result is an `Panic`
return isinstance(self, Panic)
def unsafe_map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) -> Result[E, A2]:
Transform the value stored in `Ok`, it this result is an `Ok`.
:param f: the transformation function.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return Ok(f(self.success))
return self # type: ignore
def map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) -> Result[E, A2]:
Transform the value stored in `Ok`, it this result is an `Ok`.
:param f: the transformation function.
return self.unsafe_map(f)
def zip(self: Result[E, A], *arg: Result[E, A]) -> Result[E, List[A]]:
Transform a list of Result (including self) into a Result of list.
Is Ok is all results are Ok.
Is Errors some are Ok, but at least one is an errors but no panics.
Is Panic is there is at least one panic.
return zip((self, *arg)) # type: ignore
def unsafe_ap(
self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X]
) -> Result[E, A]:
Noting functions from X to A: `[X1, ..., Xn] -> A`.
If this result represent a computation returning a function `f: [X1,...,XN] -> A`
and arg represent a computation returning a value `x1: X1`,...,`xn: Xn`, then
`self.ap(arg)` represents the computation returning `f(x1,...,xn): A`.
return zip((self, *arg)).unsafe_map(lambda l: l[0](*l[1:])) # type: ignore
def ap(self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X]) -> Result[E, A]:
Noting functions from [X1,...,XN] to A: `[X1, ..., Xn] -> A`.
If this result represent a computation returning a function `f: [X1,...,XN] -> A`
and arg represent computations returning values `x1: X1`,...,`xn: Xn` then
`self.ap(arg)` represents the computation returning `f(x1,...,xn): A`.
return self.unsafe_ap(*arg) # type: ignore
def flatten(self: Result[E, Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]:
The concatenation function on results.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return self.success
return self # type: ignore
def unsafe_map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) -> Result[E2, A]:
Transform the errors stored if this result is an `Errors`.
:param f: the transformation function
if isinstance(self, Errors):
return Errors([f(e) for e in self.errors])
return self # type: ignore
def map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) -> Result[E2, A]:
Transform the errors stored if this result is an `Errors`.
:param f: the transformation function
return self.unsafe_map_error(f)
def unsafe_catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]:
React to errors (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is an `Errors(some_error)`, then replace it with `handler(some_error)`.
Otherwise, do nothing.
if isinstance(self, Errors):
return handler(self.errors)
return self
def catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]:
React to errors (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is an `Errors(some_error)`, then replace it with `handler(some_error)`.
Otherwise, do nothing.
return self.unsafe_catch(handler)
def unsafe_map_panic(
self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException]
) -> Result[E, A]:
Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a `Panic(some_exception)`.
if isinstance(self, Panic):
return Panic(
exceptions=[f(exn) for exn in self.exceptions], errors=self.errors
return self
def map_panic(
self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException]
) -> Result[E, A]:
Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a `Panic(some_exception)`.
return self.unsafe_map_panic(f)
def unsafe_recover(
self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]]
) -> Result[E, A]:
React to panics (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is a `Panic(exceptions)`, replace it by `handler(exceptions)`.
Otherwise do nothing.
if isinstance(self, Panic):
return handler(self.exceptions, self.errors)
return self
def recover(
self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]]
) -> Result[E, A]:
React to panics (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is a `Panic(exceptions)`, replace it by `handler(exceptions)`.
Otherwise do nothing.
return self.unsafe_recover(handler)
def raise_on_panic(self) -> Result[E, A]:
If this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`, do nothing.
If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions.
Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions.
if isinstance(self, Panic):
raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors)
return self
def unsafe_get(self) -> Result[E, A]:
If this result is an `Ok`, do nothing.
If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions.
Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions.
if isinstance(self, Ok):
return self.success
if isinstance(self, Errors):
raise DomainErrors(self.errors)
if isinstance(self, Panic):
raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors)
raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a result.")
def to_computation_status(self) -> ComputationStatus:
Transform this Result into a Computation Status
if self.is_ok():
return ComputationStatus.SUCCEEDED
return ComputationStatus.FAILED
class Ok(Result[E, A]):
The result of a successful computation.
__slots__ = "success"
success: A
class Errors(Result[E, A]):
The result of a computation that failed on an excepted normal errors case.
The program is still in a valid state and can progress safely.
__slots__ = "errors"
errors: List[E]
class Panic(Result[E, A]):
The result of a computation that failed unexpectedly.
The program is not in a valid state and must terminate safely.
__slots__ = "exceptions", "errors"
exceptions: List[TracedException]
errors: List[E]
def pure(a: A) -> Result[Any, A]:
Alias for `Ok(a)`.
return Ok(a)
def ok(a: A) -> Result[Any, A]:
Alias for `Ok(a)`.
return Ok(a)
def error(err: E) -> Result[E, Any]:
Alias for `Errors(err)`.
return Errors([err])
def errors(*errs: Union[E, Iterable[E]]) -> Result[E, Any]:
Alias for `Errors(errs)`.
if (
len(errs) == 1
and isinstance(errs[0], abc.Iterable)
and not isinstance(errs[0], str)
return Errors(list(errs[0]))
return Errors(list(errs))
def panic(*exceptions: TracedException, errors=None) -> Result[Any, Any]:
Alias for `Panic(traced_exceptions)`.
if (
len(exceptions) == 1
and isinstance(exceptions[0], abc.Iterable)
and not isinstance(exceptions[0], str)
return Panic(
errors=list(errors) if errors else [],
return Panic(
errors=list(errors) if errors else [],
def zip(*l: Result[E, A]) -> Result[E, List[A]]:
Combine a list of `Result`.
If everyone is `Ok(x)`, then return `Ok([...x...])`.
If there are some errors but no panics, return `Errors(<the list of errors>)`.
If there are some panics, return the Panic with all exceptions and errors
:param l:
if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], abc.Iterable):
args = l[0]
args = l
values = []
errs = []
exceptions = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Ok):
elif isinstance(arg, Errors):
elif isinstance(arg, Panic):
exceptions.append(MatchError(f"{arg} should be a Result"))
if exceptions:
return Panic(exceptions=exceptions, errors=errs)
if errs:
return Errors(errs)
return Ok(values)
def sequence(*l: Union[Iterable[Result[E, A]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]:
Combine a list of `Result`.
If everyone is `Ok(x)`, then return `Ok(<the value of the last result>)`.
If there are some errs but no exceptions, return `Errors(<the list of errs>)`.
If there are some exceptions, return the Panic with all exceptions and errs
if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], abc.Iterable):
args = l[0]
args = l
value: A = None
errs = []
exceptions = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, Ok):
value = arg.success
elif isinstance(arg, Errors):
elif isinstance(arg, Panic):
exceptions.append(MatchError(f"{arg} should be a Result"))
if exceptions:
return Panic(exceptions=exceptions, errors=errs)
if errs:
return Errors(errs)
return Ok(value)
def traverse(
l: Iterable[A], f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]
) -> Result[List[E], List[A2]]:
Apply the function `f` to every element of the iterable.
The resulting Result is Ok if all results are Ok.
This function is essentially like map, but f returns Result[E,A2] instead of A2.
:param l: the elements to apply to f
:param f: the function for each element.
def g(i):
return f(i)
except Exception as exception:
return Panic([TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], [])
return zip([g(i) for i in l])
def returns_result(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) -> Callable[..., Result[E, A]]:
Decorator that transform a function f returning A,
into a function f returning `Result[E,A]`.
All exceptions are transformed into panics.
def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
return Ok(f(*args, **kwargs))
except Exception as exception:
return panic(TracedException.in_except_clause(exception))
return wrapper
def error(err: E) ‑> Result[~E, typing.Any]
Alias for
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def error(err: E) -> Result[E, Any]: """ Alias for `Errors(err)`. """ return Errors([err])
def errors(*errs: Union[E, Iterable[E]]) ‑> Result[~E, typing.Any]
Alias for
.Expand source code
def errors(*errs: Union[E, Iterable[E]]) -> Result[E, Any]: """ Alias for `Errors(errs)`. """ if ( len(errs) == 1 and isinstance(errs[0], abc.Iterable) and not isinstance(errs[0], str) ): return Errors(list(errs[0])) return Errors(list(errs))
def ok(a: A) ‑> Result[typing.Any, ~A]
Alias for
.Expand source code
def ok(a: A) -> Result[Any, A]: """ Alias for `Ok(a)`. """ return Ok(a)
def panic(*exceptions: TracedException, errors=None) ‑> Result[typing.Any, typing.Any]
Alias for
.Expand source code
def panic(*exceptions: TracedException, errors=None) -> Result[Any, Any]: """ Alias for `Panic(traced_exceptions)`. """ if ( len(exceptions) == 1 and isinstance(exceptions[0], abc.Iterable) and not isinstance(exceptions[0], str) ): return Panic( exceptions=TracedException.ensure_list_traced(exceptions[0]), errors=list(errors) if errors else [], ) return Panic( exceptions=TracedException.ensure_list_traced(exceptions), errors=list(errors) if errors else [], )
def pure(a: A) ‑> Result[typing.Any, ~A]
Alias for
.Expand source code
def pure(a: A) -> Result[Any, A]: """ Alias for `Ok(a)`. """ return Ok(a)
def returns_result(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) ‑> Callable[..., Result[~E, ~A]]
Decorator that transform a function f returning A, into a function f returning
.All exceptions are transformed into panics.
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def returns_result(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) -> Callable[..., Result[E, A]]: """ Decorator that transform a function f returning A, into a function f returning `Result[E,A]`. All exceptions are transformed into panics. """ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return Ok(f(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exception: return panic(TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)) return wrapper
def safe(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) ‑> Callable[..., Result[~E, ~A]]
Simple decorator to ensure all exceptions are caught and transformed into panics.
A function that returns a Result[E,A] should never raise an exceptions but instead return a panic. This decorator make sure of it.
:param f: :return:
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def safe(f: Callable[..., Result[E, A]]) -> Callable[..., Result[E, A]]: """ Simple decorator to ensure all exceptions are caught and transformed into panics. A function that returns a Result[E,A] should never raise an exceptions but instead return a panic. This decorator make sure of it. :param f: :return: """ def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] ) return wrapper
def sequence(*l: Union[Iterable[Result[E, A]], Result[E, A]]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
Combine a list of
.If everyone is
, then returnOk(<the value of the last result>)
. If there are some errs but no exceptions, returnErrors(<the list of errs>)
. If there are some exceptions, return the Panic with all exceptions and errs encountered.Expand source code
def sequence(*l: Union[Iterable[Result[E, A]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ Combine a list of `Result`. If everyone is `Ok(x)`, then return `Ok(<the value of the last result>)`. If there are some errs but no exceptions, return `Errors(<the list of errs>)`. If there are some exceptions, return the Panic with all exceptions and errs encountered. """ if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], abc.Iterable): args = l[0] else: args = l value: A = None errs = [] exceptions = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Ok): value = arg.success elif isinstance(arg, Errors): errs.extend(arg.errors) elif isinstance(arg, Panic): exceptions.extend(arg.exceptions) errs.extend(arg.errors) else: exceptions.append(MatchError(f"{arg} should be a Result")) if exceptions: return Panic(exceptions=exceptions, errors=errs) if errs: return Errors(errs) return Ok(value)
def traverse(l: Iterable[A], f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) ‑> Result[typing.List[~E], typing.List[~A2]]
Apply the function
to every element of the iterable. The resulting Result is Ok if all results are Ok.This function is essentially like map, but f returns Result[E,A2] instead of A2.
:param l: the elements to apply to f :param f: the function for each element. :return:
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def traverse( l: Iterable[A], f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]] ) -> Result[List[E], List[A2]]: """ Apply the function `f` to every element of the iterable. The resulting Result is Ok if all results are Ok. This function is essentially like map, but f returns Result[E,A2] instead of A2. :param l: the elements to apply to f :param f: the function for each element. :return: """ def g(i): try: return f(i) except Exception as exception: return Panic([TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], []) return zip([g(i) for i in l])
def zip(*l: Result[E, A]) ‑> Result[~E, typing.List[~A]]
Combine a list of
.If everyone is
, then returnOk([…x…])
. If there are some errors but no panics, returnErrors(<the list of errors>)
. If there are some panics, return the Panic with all exceptions and errors encountered.:param l: :return:
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def zip(*l: Result[E, A]) -> Result[E, List[A]]: """ Combine a list of `Result`. If everyone is `Ok(x)`, then return `Ok([...x...])`. If there are some errors but no panics, return `Errors(<the list of errors>)`. If there are some panics, return the Panic with all exceptions and errors encountered. :param l: :return: """ if len(l) == 1 and isinstance(l[0], abc.Iterable): args = l[0] else: args = l values = [] errs = [] exceptions = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Ok): values.append(arg.success) elif isinstance(arg, Errors): errs.extend(arg.errors) elif isinstance(arg, Panic): exceptions.extend(arg.exceptions) errs.extend(arg.errors) else: exceptions.append(MatchError(f"{arg} should be a Result")) if exceptions: return Panic(exceptions=exceptions, errors=errs) if errs: return Errors(errs) return Ok(values)
class Errors (errors: List[E])
The result of a computation that failed on an excepted normal errors case. The program is still in a valid state and can progress safely.
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@final @dataclass class Errors(Result[E, A]): """ The result of a computation that failed on an excepted normal errors case. The program is still in a valid state and can progress safely. """ __slots__ = "errors" errors: List[E]
- Result
- typing.Generic
Instance variables
var errors : List[~E]
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Inherited members
class Ok (success: A)
The result of a successful computation.
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@final @dataclass class Ok(Result[E, A]): """ The result of a successful computation. """ __slots__ = "success" success: A
- Result
- typing.Generic
Instance variables
var success : ~A
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Inherited members
class Panic (exceptions: List[TracedException], errors: List[E])
The result of a computation that failed unexpectedly. The program is not in a valid state and must terminate safely.
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@final @dataclass class Panic(Result[E, A]): """ The result of a computation that failed unexpectedly. The program is not in a valid state and must terminate safely. """ __slots__ = "exceptions", "errors" exceptions: List[TracedException] errors: List[E]
- Result
- typing.Generic
Instance variables
var errors : List[~E]
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
var exceptions : List[TracedException]
Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.
Inherited members
class Result
The Result[E,A] data structure represents the result of a computation. It has 3 possible cases:
- Ok(some_value: A) The computation succeeded. The value some_value, of type A, is the result of the computation
- Errors(some_errors: List[E]) The computation failed with an expected errors. The errors some_errors, of type List[E], is the expected errors encountered.
- Panic(some_exceptions: List[TracedException], errors: List[E]) The computation failed on an unexpected errors. The exceptions some_exceptions is the unexpected errors encountered.
The distinction between errors (expected failures) and panics (unexpected failures) is essential.
Errors are failures your program is prepared to deal with safely. An errors simply means some operation was not successful, but your program is still behaving nicely. Nothing terribly wrong happened. Generally errors belong to your business domain. You can take any type as E.
Panics, on the contrary, are failures you never expected. Your computation can not progress further. All you can do when panics occur, is stopping your computation gracefully (like releasing resources before dying). The panic type is always TracedException.
As an example, if your program is an HTTP server. Errors are bad requests (errors code 400) while panics are internal server errors (errors code 500). Receiving bad request is part of the normal life of any HTTP server, it must know how to reply nicely. But internal server errors are bugs.
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class Result(Generic[E, A]): """ The Result[E,A] data structure represents the result of a computation. It has 3 possible cases: - *Ok(some_value: A)* The computation succeeded. The value some_value, of type A, is the result of the computation - *Errors(some_errors: List[E])* The computation failed with an expected errors. The errors some_errors, of type List[E], is the expected errors encountered. - *Panic(some_exceptions: List[TracedException], errors: List[E])* The computation failed on an unexpected errors. The exceptions some_exceptions is the unexpected errors encountered. The distinction between errors (expected failures) and panics (unexpected failures) is essential. Errors are failures your program is prepared to deal with safely. An errors simply means some operation was not successful, but your program is still behaving nicely. Nothing terribly wrong happened. Generally errors belong to your business domain. You can take any type as E. Panics, on the contrary, are failures you never expected. Your computation can not progress further. All you can do when panics occur, is stopping your computation gracefully (like releasing resources before dying). The panic type is always TracedException. As an example, if your program is an HTTP server. Errors are bad requests (errors code 400) while panics are internal server errors (errors code 500). Receiving bad request is part of the normal life of any HTTP server, it must know how to reply nicely. But internal server errors are bugs. """ @final def unsafe_fold( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X], on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X], ) -> X: """ Transform this Result[E,A] into X. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :param on_panic: is called if this result is a `Panic`. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return on_success(self.success) if isinstance(self, Errors): return on_error(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): return on_panic(self.exceptions, self.errors) raise on_panic([MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result")], []) @final @safe def fold( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X], on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X], ) -> X: """ Transform this Result[E,A] into X. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :param on_panic: is called if this result is a `Panic`. :return: """ return self.unsafe_fold(on_success, on_error, on_panic) @final def unsafe_fold_raise( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X] ) -> X: """ Transform this `Result[E,A]` into `X` if this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`. But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic. It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return on_success(self.success) if isinstance(self, Errors): return on_error(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result") @final @safe def fold_raise( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X] ) -> X: """ Transform this `Result[E,A]` into `X` if this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`. But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic. It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :return: """ return self.unsafe_fold_raise(on_success, on_error) @final def unsafe_flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ The usual monadic operation called - bind, >>=: in Haskell - flatMap: in Scala - andThem: in Elm ... Chain operations returning results. :param f: operation to perform it this result is an `Ok`. :return: the result combined result. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return f(self.success) return self # type: ignore @final @safe def flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ The usual monadic operation called - bind, >>=: in Haskell - flatMap: in Scala - andThem: in Elm ... Chain operations returning results. :param f: operation to perform it this result is an `Ok`. :return: the result combined result. """ return self.unsafe_flat_map(f) @final def unsafe_tri_map( self, f: Callable[[A], A2], g: Callable[[E], E2], h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException], ) -> Result[E2, A2]: """ Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result. :param f: how to transform the value a if this result is `Ok(a)` :param g: how to transform the errors e if this result is `Errors(e)` :param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result is `Panic(p)` :return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed. """ return self.unsafe_fold( lambda x: Ok(f(x)), lambda x: Errors([g(y) for y in x]), lambda x, y: Panic(exceptions=[h(z) for z in x], errors=[g(z) for z in y]), ) @final @safe def tri_map( self, f: Callable[[A], A2], g: Callable[[E], E2], h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException], ) -> Result[E2, A2]: """ Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result. :param f: how to transform the value a if this result is `Ok(a)` :param g: how to transform the errors e if this result is `Errors(e)` :param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result is `Panic(p)` :return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed. """ return self.unsafe_tri_map(f, g, h) @final def is_ok(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Ok` """ return isinstance(self, Ok) @final def is_error(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Errors` """ return isinstance(self, Errors) @final def is_panic(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Panic` """ return isinstance(self, Panic) @final def unsafe_map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ Transform the value stored in `Ok`, it this result is an `Ok`. :param f: the transformation function. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return Ok(f(self.success)) return self # type: ignore @final @safe def map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ Transform the value stored in `Ok`, it this result is an `Ok`. :param f: the transformation function. :return: """ return self.unsafe_map(f) @final def zip(self: Result[E, A], *arg: Result[E, A]) -> Result[E, List[A]]: """ Transform a list of Result (including self) into a Result of list. Is Ok is all results are Ok. Is Errors some are Ok, but at least one is an errors but no panics. Is Panic is there is at least one panic. """ return zip((self, *arg)) # type: ignore @final def unsafe_ap( self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ Noting functions from X to A: `[X1, ..., Xn] -> A`. If this result represent a computation returning a function `f: [X1,...,XN] -> A` and arg represent a computation returning a value `x1: X1`,...,`xn: Xn`, then `self.ap(arg)` represents the computation returning `f(x1,...,xn): A`. """ return zip((self, *arg)).unsafe_map(lambda l: l[0](*l[1:])) # type: ignore @final @safe def ap(self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X]) -> Result[E, A]: """ Noting functions from [X1,...,XN] to A: `[X1, ..., Xn] -> A`. If this result represent a computation returning a function `f: [X1,...,XN] -> A` and arg represent computations returning values `x1: X1`,...,`xn: Xn` then `self.ap(arg)` represents the computation returning `f(x1,...,xn): A`. """ return self.unsafe_ap(*arg) # type: ignore @final def flatten(self: Result[E, Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ The concatenation function on results. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return self.success return self # type: ignore @final def unsafe_map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) -> Result[E2, A]: """ Transform the errors stored if this result is an `Errors`. :param f: the transformation function :return: """ if isinstance(self, Errors): return Errors([f(e) for e in self.errors]) return self # type: ignore @final @safe def map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) -> Result[E2, A]: """ Transform the errors stored if this result is an `Errors`. :param f: the transformation function :return: """ return self.unsafe_map_error(f) @final def unsafe_catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to errors (the except part of a try-except). If this result is an `Errors(some_error)`, then replace it with `handler(some_error)`. Otherwise, do nothing. """ if isinstance(self, Errors): return handler(self.errors) return self @final @safe def catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to errors (the except part of a try-except). If this result is an `Errors(some_error)`, then replace it with `handler(some_error)`. Otherwise, do nothing. """ return self.unsafe_catch(handler) @final def unsafe_map_panic( self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a `Panic(some_exception)`. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): return Panic( exceptions=[f(exn) for exn in self.exceptions], errors=self.errors ) return self @final @safe def map_panic( self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a `Panic(some_exception)`. """ return self.unsafe_map_panic(f) @final def unsafe_recover( self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to panics (the except part of a try-except). If this result is a `Panic(exceptions)`, replace it by `handler(exceptions)`. Otherwise do nothing. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): return handler(self.exceptions, self.errors) return self @final @safe def recover( self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to panics (the except part of a try-except). If this result is a `Panic(exceptions)`, replace it by `handler(exceptions)`. Otherwise do nothing. """ return self.unsafe_recover(handler) @final def raise_on_panic(self) -> Result[E, A]: """ If this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`, do nothing. If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions. Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) return self @final def unsafe_get(self) -> Result[E, A]: """ If this result is an `Ok`, do nothing. If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions. Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return self.success if isinstance(self, Errors): raise DomainErrors(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a result.") @final def to_computation_status(self) -> ComputationStatus: """ Transform this Result into a Computation Status :return: """ if self.is_ok(): return ComputationStatus.SUCCEEDED return ComputationStatus.FAILED
- typing.Generic
def ap(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def catch(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def flat_map(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def flatten(self: Result[E, Result[E, A]]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
The concatenation function on results.
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@final def flatten(self: Result[E, Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ The concatenation function on results. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return self.success return self # type: ignore
def fold(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def fold_raise(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def is_error(self) ‑> bool
:return: True if this result is an
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@final def is_error(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Errors` """ return isinstance(self, Errors)
def is_ok(self) ‑> bool
:return: True if this result is an
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@final def is_ok(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Ok` """ return isinstance(self, Ok)
def is_panic(self) ‑> bool
:return: True if this result is an
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@final def is_panic(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if this result is an `Panic` """ return isinstance(self, Panic)
def map(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def map_error(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def map_panic(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def raise_on_panic(self) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
If this result is an
, do nothing. If it is aPanic(some_exception)
, raise the exceptions.Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions.
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@final def raise_on_panic(self) -> Result[E, A]: """ If this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`, do nothing. If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions. Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) return self
def recover(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def to_computation_status(self) ‑> ComputationStatus
Transform this Result into a Computation Status :return:
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@final def to_computation_status(self) -> ComputationStatus: """ Transform this Result into a Computation Status :return: """ if self.is_ok(): return ComputationStatus.SUCCEEDED return ComputationStatus.FAILED
def tri_map(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) ‑> Any
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def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exception: return Panic( exceptions=[TracedException.in_except_clause(exception)], errors=[] )
def unsafe_ap(self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
Noting functions from X to A:
[X1, ..., Xn] -> A
.If this result represent a computation returning a function
f: [X1,...,XN] -> A
and arg represent a computation returning a valuex1: X1
,…,xn: Xn
, thenself.ap(arg)
represents the computation returningf(x1,...,xn): A
.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_ap( self: Result[E, Callable[[X], A]], *arg: Result[E, X] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ Noting functions from X to A: `[X1, ..., Xn] -> A`. If this result represent a computation returning a function `f: [X1,...,XN] -> A` and arg represent a computation returning a value `x1: X1`,...,`xn: Xn`, then `self.ap(arg)` represents the computation returning `f(x1,...,xn): A`. """ return zip((self, *arg)).unsafe_map(lambda l: l[0](*l[1:])) # type: ignore
def unsafe_catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
React to errors (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is an
, then replace it withhandler(some_error)
. Otherwise, do nothing.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_catch(self, handler: Callable[[List[E]], Result[E, A]]) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to errors (the except part of a try-except). If this result is an `Errors(some_error)`, then replace it with `handler(some_error)`. Otherwise, do nothing. """ if isinstance(self, Errors): return handler(self.errors) return self
def unsafe_flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A2]
The usual monadic operation called - bind, >>=: in Haskell - flatMap: in Scala - andThem: in Elm …
Chain operations returning results.
:param f: operation to perform it this result is an
. :return: the result combined result.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_flat_map(self, f: Callable[[A], Result[E, A2]]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ The usual monadic operation called - bind, >>=: in Haskell - flatMap: in Scala - andThem: in Elm ... Chain operations returning results. :param f: operation to perform it this result is an `Ok`. :return: the result combined result. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return f(self.success) return self # type: ignore
def unsafe_fold(self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X], on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X]) ‑> ~X
Transform this Result[E,A] into X. :param on_success: is called if this result is a
. :param on_error: is called if this result is aErrors
. :param on_panic: is called if this result is aPanic
. :return:Expand source code
@final def unsafe_fold( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X], on_panic: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], X], ) -> X: """ Transform this Result[E,A] into X. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :param on_panic: is called if this result is a `Panic`. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return on_success(self.success) if isinstance(self, Errors): return on_error(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): return on_panic(self.exceptions, self.errors) raise on_panic([MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result")], [])
def unsafe_fold_raise(self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X]) ‑> ~X
Transform this
if this result is anOk
. But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic.It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics.
:param on_success: is called if this result is a
. :param on_error: is called if this result is aErrors
. :return:Expand source code
@final def unsafe_fold_raise( self, on_success: Callable[[A], X], on_error: Callable[[List[E]], X] ) -> X: """ Transform this `Result[E,A]` into `X` if this result is an `Ok` or `Errors`. But raise the stored exceptions is this is a panic. It is useful to raise an exceptions on panics. :param on_success: is called if this result is a `Ok`. :param on_error: is called if this result is a `Errors`. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return on_success(self.success) if isinstance(self, Errors): return on_error(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a Result")
def unsafe_get(self) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
If this result is an
, do nothing. If it is aPanic(some_exception)
, raise the exceptions.Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions.
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@final def unsafe_get(self) -> Result[E, A]: """ If this result is an `Ok`, do nothing. If it is a `Panic(some_exception)`, raise the exceptions. Use with extreme care since it raise exceptions. """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return self.success if isinstance(self, Errors): raise DomainErrors(self.errors) if isinstance(self, Panic): raise MultipleExceptions.merge(*self.exceptions, errors=self.errors) raise MatchError(f"{self} should be a result.")
def unsafe_map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A2]
Transform the value stored in
, it this result is anOk
. :param f: the transformation function. :return:Expand source code
@final def unsafe_map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2]) -> Result[E, A2]: """ Transform the value stored in `Ok`, it this result is an `Ok`. :param f: the transformation function. :return: """ if isinstance(self, Ok): return Ok(f(self.success)) return self # type: ignore
def unsafe_map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) ‑> Result[~E2, ~A]
Transform the errors stored if this result is an
. :param f: the transformation function :return:Expand source code
@final def unsafe_map_error(self, f: Callable[[E], E2]) -> Result[E2, A]: """ Transform the errors stored if this result is an `Errors`. :param f: the transformation function :return: """ if isinstance(self, Errors): return Errors([f(e) for e in self.errors]) return self # type: ignore
def unsafe_map_panic(self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a
.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_map_panic( self, f: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ Transform the exceptions stored if this result is a `Panic(some_exception)`. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): return Panic( exceptions=[f(exn) for exn in self.exceptions], errors=self.errors ) return self
def unsafe_recover(self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]]) ‑> Result[~E, ~A]
React to panics (the except part of a try-except).
If this result is a
, replace it byhandler(exceptions)
. Otherwise do nothing.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_recover( self, handler: Callable[[List[TracedException], List[E]], Result[E, A]] ) -> Result[E, A]: """ React to panics (the except part of a try-except). If this result is a `Panic(exceptions)`, replace it by `handler(exceptions)`. Otherwise do nothing. """ if isinstance(self, Panic): return handler(self.exceptions, self.errors) return self
def unsafe_tri_map(self, f: Callable[[A], A2], g: Callable[[E], E2], h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException]) ‑> Result[~E2, ~A2]
Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result. :param f: how to transform the value a if this result is
:param g: how to transform the errors e if this result isErrors(e)
:param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result isPanic(p)
:return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed.Expand source code
@final def unsafe_tri_map( self, f: Callable[[A], A2], g: Callable[[E], E2], h: Callable[[TracedException], TracedException], ) -> Result[E2, A2]: """ Transform the value/errors/exceptions stored in this result. :param f: how to transform the value a if this result is `Ok(a)` :param g: how to transform the errors e if this result is `Errors(e)` :param h: how to transform the exceptions p if this result is `Panic(p)` :return: the "same" result with the stored value transformed. """ return self.unsafe_fold( lambda x: Ok(f(x)), lambda x: Errors([g(y) for y in x]), lambda x, y: Panic(exceptions=[h(z) for z in x], errors=[g(z) for z in y]), )
def zip(self: Result[E, A], *arg: Result[E, A]) ‑> Result[~E, typing.List[~A]]
Transform a list of Result (including self) into a Result of list.
Is Ok is all results are Ok. Is Errors some are Ok, but at least one is an errors but no panics. Is Panic is there is at least one panic.
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@final def zip(self: Result[E, A], *arg: Result[E, A]) -> Result[E, List[A]]: """ Transform a list of Result (including self) into a Result of list. Is Ok is all results are Ok. Is Errors some are Ok, but at least one is an errors but no panics. Is Panic is there is at least one panic. """ return zip((self, *arg)) # type: ignore